2015 EiDA Nominee – The University of Sunderland

The University of Sunderland recognises that learning does not just take place in the classroom or at training events; it comes from bringing people together to share and value experiences, cultures and behaviours. The University’s Single Equality Scheme which has been endorsed by the Board of Governors, is underpinned by a Single Equality Action Plan which has several key strategic aims. One of the strategic aims is to Promote Equality and Diversity Values and to continue to be recognised as an inclusive University. The University’s Equality and Diversity Group, identifies and prioritises actions on an annual basis. One of the actions that was identified was to hold an annual month long University Celebration of Diversity Events which underpins a whole series of diversity activities that takes place throughout the year. This extraordinary celebration raised awareness of equality, diversity and inclusivity of the University Community. The University of Sheffield’s pioneering work surrounding inclusion deserves to be commended.

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