Neil Coad

Neil Coad

EiDA16 Shortlisted Nominee

Diversity Champion Award for Education

Neil has shown outstanding initiative to promote diversity internally and externally at the Verne Immigration Removal Centre, making a positive difference to the lives of others who find themselves in difficult circumstances, and making significant contributions to social justice. As Curriculum Manager for Weston College, Neil is responsible for the delivery of a broad education provision to the global population of detainees at the Verne IRC (580 Men). Neil’s supportive and inclusive approach has earned him the trust and respect of detainees and staff, ensuring the development of tolerance, understanding and courtesy are embedded in every activity and session. Often isolated from society, Neil has worked tirelessly to go the extra mile in his efforts to make the Verne a place of sanctuary, potential, inspiration and hope for all residents at such a difficult time in their lives. Neil has created an environment that nurtures all individual needs and provides each man the tools to progress, regardless of their onward destination.

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