A Care Leaver Called Ben

My name is Ben. I was taken into care after my mother abandoned us as kids a couple of weeks before Christmas.  Not surprisingly, this was the single most important thing to happen in my life up to that point. Although my brother and I were initially placed together, we were separated after just one… Continue reading A Care Leaver Called Ben

Challenging gender stereotypes in schools

Jess Day, Let Toys Be Toys Children are keen to fit in and quickly pick up ideas about what’s supposedly ‘for boys’ and what’s ‘for girls’ – but this can limit what they believe they can do. Many toys and books are marketed as being for one sex or the other and children may worry… Continue reading Challenging gender stereotypes in schools

You Made a Difference in My Life

It was such an honour to be recognised as an entrepreneur of excellence and represent the LGBT community at the National Diversity Awards. Sitting in the same room as so many amazing individuals and organisations who work tirelessly to support their communities, at the NDA Awards Dinner, was humbling. It is often easy to forget… Continue reading You Made a Difference in My Life

Conquering Intolerance Through Peace

There is a breeze blowing in parts of the world today. In some areas it is gentle, a serene zephyr drifting in the peaceful azure skyline. In other places it blows fiercely, knocking people off their feet, causing houses to be demolished and lives ruined. In such areas of our planet this breeze has become… Continue reading Conquering Intolerance Through Peace